UG1 Summer Show 18

CONTEXT: Unit 1 / Architecture BSc (ARB/RIBA Part 1) / The Bartlett School of Architecture

Unit 1 is examining an architecture which is able to sense, interpret, adapt and respond to an identified altering or evolving situation, an architecture which is in a constant state of‘Flux’. We are inspired by forms that can mutate, materials that can record, and technologies with embodied behaviours that perform; all tools that alter in state in response to changes within a condition. Our work is heavily contextualised within a certain place and a certain time. The consideration of the physical context at both the macro and the micro scale, as well as the design-life of our proposals has been critical to our thinking. The existing condition, fabrication/construction as well as occupancy and even post-occupancy phases within our work have all been key considerations throughout our design development. Making is a key part to our iterative design process. We nurture a design process where the drawn and speculated are swiftly realised through the making, testing, and prototyping of scaled or 1:1 components of our proposals, to be re-imagined on site as part of the built whole.

Photos are are from The Bartlett Summer Show 18. Our end of year exhibition. For this we designed a modular system for hanging shelves and picture frames inspired by ROYAL system by Paul Cadovious.

In collaboration with Elie Lakin.

MEDIUM: Oak, steel and glass.




“The change, flux and imperfections of the contemporary world and its problems are extrapolated to provide rich fodder for students, in particular movement and migration, with UG1 looking at architecture in flux in Giselle Thong’s constantly decaying and renewing rammed-earth monastery in Lyon.”